Saturday, 7 June 2008

Fill it to the rim. With Brim? Oh, ha ha ha

Interesting article about company that buys the rights to forgotten brands and re-introduces them, sometimes in a completely differnt form than the original.

Brand equity has value on its own, but it can be grafted onto something newer and, perhaps, more innovative. “Consumers remember the kind of high-level essence of the brand,” he says. “They tend to forget the product specifics.” This, he figures, creates an opening: it gives the reintroduced version “permission” to forget that decaf-only limitation as well and morph into a full line of coffee varieties. “ ‘Fill it to the rim with Brim’ stands for full-flavored coffee,” Earle says, with a chuckle. “Fill it to the rim — it’s great stuff!”

Who remembers that Brim was decaf?